
Showing posts from February, 2021

Reflection 2/23/21

Today in class we discussed Thesis Statements. We went over past AP Exam answers and saw how they answered the questions. I'd have to admit that today I didn't completely catch on to the lesson. I am really hoping he goes over what we went over today again.

My Poem

  Inspiring Change Change is necessary Without it problems will not cease Making change may seem scary But it is worth it for peace To make change takes a strong person You must be persistent Things must change or they will only worsen Your efforts must be consistent It won’t happen overnight It won’t happen in a year It goes without saying Though you still need to hear That with a little bit of effort And a fair bit of care Change will happen  Not only here, but everywhere Now of course there are factors That I neglected to mention But with faith they’re irrelevant So it was my intention

Reflection 2/19/21

 Today in class we delved deeper into the Multiple Choice lesson. More specifically, we worked on applications of multiple choice problems. Before that however, for our bell ringer we discussed and were asked to write about manhood. What it means to be a man. This doesn't really matter to me too much and I'm sure to this generation either because we've lost almost all traditions regarding to gender norms in today's society. I don't know whether this is a good thing or bad thing but for now I will not care about it. Our extended lesson on multiple choice really extended insight on it. Overall, today's class was nice.

Reflection 1/18/21

Today in class we started with a bell ringer like usual. This bell ringer touched on emotions and was really beneficial to the mind. I would like to admit I am currently liking the bell ringers so far. They have been very complex. After completing the bell ringer, we touched on multiple choice questions in preparation for the AP Exam. We went over a specific method to answer multiple choice questions: Process of Elimination. Now of course we've learned this in the past. But our teacher's lesson on it was applied directly to the AP Exam. Of course this exam is nothing like other test that I've taken. So in my opinion class today was very beneficial. 

Reflection 2/16/21

Today in class we started with an fun bell ringer. It took time to think about what exactly to write but, I was able to compose something meaningful. We then went over the poem ''We Real Cool".  The poem itself was rather short. It interests me to know that there are poems with not much length but heaps of meaning. This was a great exposure to a form of poetry I hardly knew existed. I am certainly glad to have read such a poem. My take on it is that because you will die one day it's important to live a fun life in your youth. We all grow up and such moments are brief in the grand scheme of things. I do appreciate the tone that the poem alludes. Overall, I really enjoyed today's lesson.  


In class today we discussed more into argumentative essays. We covered crisis rhetoric. Crisis Rhetoric can be defined by: Urgency, Crisis and Reality, Dramatic Characters, Policy vs. Morality, and Rhetorically Generative. We watched and analyzed speeches to see how the forms of rhetoric are used.

Constructing Claims

Today in class we discussed essay writing methods. We were able to focus more on claims. Mr. Rease started by showing us notes. Then we went through prompts to analyze and answer. I can definitely see improvement in my ability to create an adequate claim.


Today in class we went over two prompts. Prompt 1 was about gender neutral toys and he other one was about racially diverse teachers. We had to provide claims, evidence, and then commentate on the evidence by explaining and finally concluding. This is how we are supposed to answer prompts on the AP Exam. 


Class today consisted of plenty of note taking on evaluating prompts. Mr. Rease gave a prompt regarding to how physical and intangible ownership correlate to ones self. We then analyzed said prompt and we went through ways to get ideas to compose an essay answering the prompt.

African Roots

Today I learned about African roots. We read a poem written by Langston Hughes titled "The Negro Speaks of Rivers". As we read the poem, we analyzed it completely while also annotating. We looked deeply at the text to find things such as deeper meaning the author may have wrote. We applied such things to our personal lives. Mr. Reese showed us his family tree. Then, he tasked us with looking up our own family tree. Essentially, we learned about the importance of our roots.