
 Today in class we did groups work for our project. We were assigned our teams and I was disappointed. Not because of who was on my team, but rather because I did not get either of my choices despite my second choice having only 3 people. I actually had a strong interest in Security and Privacy, yet I was put into a group that I have no interest parenting styles. Maybe it will get me out of my comfort zone, so I guess it's a good thing. Todayy we had a bellringer that asked about strength and weaknesses. I don't like being asked this question (especially on interviews) because I think it's naive to assume that I am a significantly good at something, as well as the fact that I don't even know if I have strength or weaknesses because I don't think it's possible to assess yourself without bias. The question should instead be something that allows the person to feel as though they're not being arrogant and allows them to answer with a little more honesty instead. I'm sure interviewers take the answers to that question with a grain of salt. I obviously gave a made-up answer to the bellringer in order to get it over with.


  1. I was a bit disappointed too because I didn't get my top choice, but I at least got my 2nd choice. Also that's a very good point about assessing ones' strengths and weaknesses. I've actually never thought of it like that, but I'm always honest when assessing myself.


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