
To Incoming AP Language and Composition Students

For those, entering the AP Language and Composition class, it is important that you are prepared. There are many things you will learn in this class that will help you in the future. But it is important to remember that your main purpose is to pass the AP Exam. As you are learning, it is imperative that you are aware that the purpose of the lesson is to prepare you for the exam; Every single lesson is for the AP Exam. If you do not wish to cram last minute, I suggest that you pay attention throughout the entire class. Early on you may learn things such as formal or informal writing, and after that you will probably never hear about it again in the class. So you must pick it up then and there. I cannot think of a single lesson that I did not need on the exam. So do all of your assignments, and pay attention! Thanks to Mr. Rease being an actual competent teacher, doing good on his assignments ensures that you will do exceptionally well on the exam.


 This is a bit late but I needed to do a revision on the class. It is the end of the year and everything is finally over. We finished the AP Exam and did our best. Classes have been really good overall. Nothing bad I can say about them. Cannot think of anything I would change about how we were taught. Compared to the other AP Classes I took besides AP Statistics, I think the lessons were way better. There were very little assignments that had nothing to do with the AP Exam. Everything we did was in preparation for it. We practiced and learned how to do everything relating to the exam. And our teacher made sure we were prepared. We were put at a big disadvantage but we still were able to make it work out. The teacher was interesting. Never had one similar to him. It was somewhat of a perfect balance of strictness and kindness. Seems like he likes his job. Overall, I feel as though I learned a lot this year and I definitely improved my composition abilities, so again, no changes I would


 Today we discussed a project we have to do. It seems easy. Like the previous project he said people complained about it. My only issue is that he assigned it on the day some students took the AP Statistics Exam. Expected him not to but no problem considering the project is easy. I should catch up by the end of today.

5/12/21 THE AP EXAM

 Today we finally took the AP Exam. It was definitely really hard. I was able to prepare thoroughly however. I ate a good breakfast. Only problem was a small lack of sleep. Had trouble sleeping in anticipation for the exam. I eventually managed and got 7 hours of sleep in. Either way, during the test I had no problem staying awake. The multiple choice was relatively easy. I for some reason enjoyed most of the passages. Especially one of them about communication. But I didn't have very good time management for the multiple choice part. I thought I was zooming through them until the proctor announced 10 minutes remaining, and I was only on around question 28. I rushed through the remaining questions and ended up finishing but cannot confirm that I got them wrong. We can only hope that the ones that I spent most of my time on, I got correct. The free response was difficult. Really difficult. I completed it all though. But my mind was a bit fried from the previous parts. Once I got to


 Today we were reminded that our exam is on Wednesday. We were told how to prepare. After that I was able to be reviewed on my Mock Exam. Did better than expected and now I know what I must improve on.


 Today Mr. Rease reviewed our Mock Exam answers. This time he did it individually. Unfortunately, because of the length of each interview, I was not able to get interviewed in time. I actually joined the class a little late. Anyway today was pretty good.


 Today in class we did something that was really creative on Mr.Rease's part. He asked us to make the answers and then we were to choose the best one. He did this for practice in picking the best answer. I thought my answer was pretty good, to tell the truth. It wasn't decided as the best answer.