
Showing posts from April, 2021


 Today we went over the Mock Exam. Worst day so far I think. Felt incredibly sad and also mad at myself for not doing it. I do not know how I didn't see it. It's just so unfortunate. Grade dropped so much from that. I am probably going to try my best and ask that Mr. Rease allows a retake, but to be honest I completely doubt he will considering he somewhat went over it. Day was actually not that bad up to me hearing that we had to do it. But it is my fault either way so I am not complaining. The only thing I can do is see if I can convince him through email. And it's not even just the grade that I'm upset about. I need all of the practice I can get. Overall, today was really depressing.

4/29/21 Mock Exam

 Today we took the Mock Exam. I did not go to the school I stayed home to take it. It is really unfortunate that I only did the Multiple Choice part. I did not hear him when he went over what the exam entailed. I am hoping that he allows us to retake it for a percentage of a grade because I was SO SO close to an A. I just made this silly mistake.


Today we had a similar class to the day before. We went over our paragraphs for an assignment. We asked questions just like yesterday. This time I didn't have a very good question to ask. It was a good class period in my opinion. I wasn't sleepy or anything like usual. I also learned a bit from listening to the responses to other student's questions.


 Today in class we had a bellringer that asked us about topics regarding the paragraph we wrote. He gave us the bellringer in order to transition to the paragraphs we did last week. After he explained our errors he told us to ask questions regarding our paragraphs. For mine I saw a lot of comments that I didn't expect. It was a very long class but it went by quickly because of our engagement. I think I learned a lot today.


 Today we had class in which we review content. Not a lot happened


 Today I wasn't able to show up for class. My stomach was killing me from something I ate this morning. From what I heard, we covered a lot of things. Really bummed out that I missed a lot of content.


 Today in class we went over rhetorical analysis. It was detailed information. I enjoyed it and it was productive. Must keep this one short to continue my heaps of work I have due recently.


Today in class we didn't really have a class. Instead, we spent our time writing an essay. Unlike our last essay, I had time. Only problem was I was extremely sleepy. For the first 10 minutes I was just dozing off. Then I finally woke myself up and was able to write the essay completely. If I had known we had to do this today I would've been more prepared. Luckily I was able to finish. Overall today was sort of terrible; writing that essay while trying to stay focused was literal torture.


 Today in class we focused on rhetorical devices. I definitely needed a clearing up on these. I also learned 3 new ones so that's great. This was perfect because during the lesson we had yesterday, I was thinking that I had problems with identifying rhetorical devices. Now that he went over them, I'm sure that I will be adept at identifying them on the exam! I also like the format of the lesson. I think it was very productive in helping us retain the information. I like how we saw wrong answers and were told why they were wrong. Overall today might have been one of my favorite days so far.


 Today in class we went over rhetorical analysis. We went into detail on how to find them in texts and derive their meanings as they're applied. Very interesting lesson and I would love if we went over this further. At the start of the class, we had a bellringer that asked for our current grade and how many days we have left. I could tell that there was going to be a lecture after that, and there was. I must say it was surprising to hear that such a large proportion of the class had grades below 70%. I thought I was poorly with my grades. Anyways, overall today was a great day!


Today in class we discussed our project further. He showed us how to make the citation page. This page included the sources we put into our folder yesterday. After he showed us, we were put into groups like usual to work on it together. Me and my team were able to get plenty of work done. I was pretty sleepy during the class however, so I wasn't able to be too helpful. I'm satisfied with the work we did complete though. And although the assignment itself isn't very easy, I appreciate how he was able to make it easier through thorough instruction. Overall, today was a productive day.


 Today in class we had a bellringer asking us what we did over Spring Break. Similar questions usually are asked after breaks so I wasn't surprised. I was able to answer on time and turn it in. I was not very happy to attend any classes today to be honest because of us just getting out of the break. This class being last made it a bit easier. After that we submitted our sources. I was able to do it easily with no problems because I followed directions. Most others had problems so Mr Rease decided that that is the task for the entire period. When we were put in breakout rooms, because I had no work I just helped my teammates.  Not a very productive day for me personally, but it was enjoyable atleast.


 Today in class we had a q uiz on vocabulary words. I studied briefly before class so I'm pretty sure that I did well. After that he played an April Fools prank on us which was pretty funny. For the remainder of the period we went into breakout rooms to work on finding sources. Did not find many today either but I was able to find a better thing to search. I will definitely be able to find many sources now. Overall I really enjoyed today.


  Today in class, we went over sources for our group project! It was a very necessary explanation. Without it, I doubt I would be able to find any good sources. I wasn't able to find many good ones today, however, but it's good that he is giving us time to do so. Very understanding teacher which is commendable. A few days ago he showed people who were overreacting to the project. I don't remember any other project we had in this class. On one hand, I can understand them being stressed right now with other classes, but on the other hand they should be grateful with the current workload. In groups we also were able to decide who does what.


 Today in class we worked in groups again. Before that he showed the class each of our group's research so far. I accidentally submitted my work even though I'm not the leader. It was a productive day. A lot of group work was done. We were able to figure out the main topic and work on the introduction. Overall, it was a good day.